So lowering the price really didn't make that much of a difference. So now they need to try and advertise the car or add features.
I think if they want to sell the car in the numbers they are talking about then they need to add Level 3 charging. If they do that I might have to sell mine so I...
Leviton must have just added the option of buying the charging station by its self. When I got mine they would only sell it with the installation package. $1235 is a reasonable price.
Tesla Roadster owners are experiencing a 1.5-2% battery capacity lose per year. I would expect the RAV4 EV to have about the same. This is assuming you don't use the extended range charge mode very often.
Funny, I just noticed today (in the forties outside) that my revenue braking was limited to half. This was while in drive with a half full battery. The braking felt different so I looked down and saw that no matter how hard I pressed on the brake my regen meter would only show half regen.
I agree, the RAV4 EV does have a bouncy ride. I know the RAV4 EV has and inch or two less ground clearance. I doubt they redesigned the entire suspension. They probably put in stiffer springs or shocks to eliminate some of the suspension travel.
Just an idea.
Tony, I really like your idea of a light for the charger plug area. I first time I plugged my car in at night I thought the car should have come with that. Please keep us update of the project.
I agree. I'm shocked the two month old vehicle is not selling very well. I bought too early. I should have waited for the discounts. I thought the car was going to sell so well that the price wouldn't come down.
Unfortunately if you want the fastest charging station possible the Leviton 40 amp is the cheapest. They will not sell you the 40 amp unit without it being installed through their process. The 40 amp Clipper Creek unit alone costs more then the Leviton unit with installation. If you don't mind...
Over 1600 miles I'm averaging 3.3 miles per KWH. So I guess my MPGe is 3.3 x 33.7 = 111. Total range in extended range mode is 138 miles. Not bad.
This amazing car has only been on the road 3 months and sales are already half of what Toyota wants. They are going to have to either advertise, lower the cost or add features (quick charger anyone) to get the car to sell. Time will tell.
Tony, you are everywhere. This seams like a much better forum to post in than I'm bummed I won't be able to make it this weekend. It would have been a good time to see other EV's. You guys have fun.
P.S. It looks like I need a GE Wattstation account also. I thought...
That's my RAV4. I was pretty shocked to see another RAV4 next to mine when I walked out. It looks like I missed you by 7 minutes, according to the charger. I was looking at your leather interior, very nice.