2012-2014 Serial Numbers

Toyota Rav4 EV Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2013
Irvine, CA
Based on serial numbers I've seen posted in the forum, and listed in dealer inventories, here is a list of serial numbers assigned for each year:
Year: 2012, 2013, 2014
Serial Number: 1001-1542, 1593-2305, 2316-3600
Total: >542, >713, >1285

There are some gaps between the years due to missing info, therefore the year totals are minimums.
According to Diane, the first car she sold had VIN# 0508 ....
Does anyone on this list own a RAV 4 EV with a VIN # less than 1000?

Do you think that the RAV EV will therefore end at 2600, instead of 3600?

Dianne said she thinks many cars were sold to municipalities and utilities that are not recorded in the sales figures..

I don't know anything .... I'm just asking.
I'd really it if someone could tell us what the last VIN # will be.... and if there are more cars to be sold, or if we are almost at the end??

Nobody has reported serial numbers below 1000.

Tesla built about 30 total test cars, and many of those met their fate in the crusher. They are NOT configured the same as the production cars.

On the first generation Rav4, 1997-2003, yes, lots of those were sold to municipal / utility and other government entities, however I'm not aware of a SINGLE one sold as such with the 2012-2014 Rav4 EV.

For starters, it's really expensive, it's not sold out-of-state (neither was the original), and there wasn't much EV competition then. That was completely different on Sept 24, 2012 when the Rav4 EV was released. The Nissan LEAF and GM Chevy Volt had both been on the market almost two years, and all those entities gobbled those cars up.

No room for a tepid Toyota. Here's a pic of one of the surviving prototypes, at the Tesla Fremont factory, July 2013:

Actually, the city of Santa Monica bought quite a few G2 RAV4 EVs last year. The one I bought was originally supposed to be reserved for the city, but somehow, I guess the city wasn't ready to jump on the purchase yet because there's been a few documents about bidding for purchasing 10 RAV4 EVs that came about in May.

http://www.smgov.net/departments/council/agendas/2013/20130528/p20130528.pdf (WARNING: 23 MB PDF). Page 16-19

I saw one with city decals on it a few weeks ago when I took my car in for non-servicing. No idea of the serial numbers, but if they were getting bids from various dealers as shown in the PDF, it looks like just a normal purchase from the pool of existing inventory.